Performance Affiliation

Performance Affiliate Management

bundles all performance partners in one channel

Network selection

With our extensive experience in affiliate marketing, we evaluate the most attractive target markets and most recognized networks for our customers to achieve their performance goals

Peoples' Business

For years, CornuCopia has had direct contact with the management of these networks and strong, sometimes exclusive relationships with the top publishers in the core markets.

Excellent agency

In 2014, CornuCopia was awarded the BEST in ecommerce prize “Most successful performance improvement” in Berlin for the Affiliate Marketing division.

CornuCopia Affiliate Management

We develop affiliate strategies on the most relevant networks, delivering measurable results and sustainable growth.

We collaborate with strategic partners to expand sales channels and optimize acquisition costs.

We Create and Manage Tailored Affiliate Programs to Maximize Sales


We activate, manage, and optimize affiliate programs tailored to the client’s objectives, selecting the most suitable markets and networks to achieve performance goals 

Strategic and Synergetic Approach

Our strategic approach to generate tangible results, focuses on two key principles:

Constant Monitoring and Optimization:
We track the affiliate program’s performance daily, identifying the best growth opportunities. We build strong partnerships with affiliates and networks, ensuring every interaction is aimed at maximizing the client’s success.

Exclusive Relationships for the Client’s Benefit:
Thanks to our excellent relationships with top managers of leading networks and strong ties with top publishers in every market, we provide the client with access to exclusive opportunities that can enhance the affiliate strategy.

CornuCopia is a certified agency with all major affiliate networks, ensuring expertise and professionalism in supporting the growth of our clients.

Take a look at our showcases:

Affiliation Showcases
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